Studio Mondial #97 w/ ololiuqui, Caterina De Nicola, Heiko Intl.
ololiuqui is a duo by sound artist Olga Kokcharova (kokhlias) and drummer / percussionist Luc Müller. together, they try to figure out how to make compositionsu by stacking wooden logs or rearranging stones in a riverbed. they record sounds that anchor them in a specific place and ask themselves how the awareness of their environment shapes their musical constructions.
Caterina De Nicola (1991) is a visual artist and musician born in Ortona (Italy) and based in Zurich (Switzerland). Her practice involves fiction, writing, sound and object investigation, to shape formal and discursive patterns by developing an analysis of symbols and motifs, as well as their circulation in a larger cultural system. In her practice, a post-postmodernist skepticism becomes a recurring mechanism through which generic images-symbols allow us to feel part of a common and undifferentiated social environment. Caterina De Nicola's music production draws inspiration from diverse sub-genres of noise music, and it is characterized by fast and violent staccato rhythms, that push the boundaries of «no-fi aesthetics» to their extreme. Embracing the term «no-fi» as a deliberate lack of fidelity, her approach transcends the conventional perception of noise, creating a space where elements considered wrong become choices. Rejecting conventional professionalism, she fosters a place for sonic abstraction and tangible, physically noisy experiences, allowing individuals to engage with the space on their own terms.
Studio Mondial ist die monatliche Sendung auf Radio Bollwerk von Trillion Tapeman, Heiko und Kia Mann. Die Freude an Musik, Neugierde und die Suche nach der perfekten Ästhetik und dem Widerspruch. Das Forschen, die Lust am Aussergewöhnlichen und an den Nischen ist Programm, das Ablehnen von Grenzen eine Haltung. So wird das Überschreiten und Hinter-sich-Lassen zum Konzept, wird das Unvorhergesehene zu einem spannenden und erwünschten Mitspieler jeder Sendung.